I am an Italian photographer living in London.
After graduating in Italy with a diploma in Fine Arts, I moved to the U.K. in 1995, where I worked as a medical photographer, at the same time developing my personal photographic projects.
I was a volunteer in-house photographer at the Camden People Theatre (2003-2007), and at the art space The Shunt Lounge, (2008-2010) in London.
Since 2005 I have been documenting Hindu religious festivals and rituals in the North London Tamil Community.
I had an exhibition on this theme at the Brunei gallery at S.O.A.S University, London, from January to March 2013 and at the Winns Gallery, Avelin centre, London, in August 2013.
Thanks to a grant I received in 2014 from UnLtd Millennium Award I also was able to produce a publication about the lives of Tamil refugees from Siri Lanka in the UK, "Voices from the Diaspora".
In 2001 I started working on another long- term project, about Gipsy horse fairs in Great Britain and Ireland.
My interest in folklore, popular customs and religious rituals has prompted me to travel to several European countries, perhaps in search of something I feel is being lost in the modern world.
I use mainly black and white film and I do my own darkroom printing.